Metalpress among Verona's 1000 Best Performing Companies

It is with great pride and satisfaction that we announce that Metalpress has been included among the 1000 Best Performing Companies* in Verona. This recognition is the result of an in-depth survey conducted by the ItalyPost Research Centre, in collaboration with the daily newspapers VeneziePost and L'Economia del Corriere della Sera.

The recognition of corporate excellence

The ranking of the "1000 best performing companies" is the result of an accurate research based on financial parameters that highlighted the companies in Verona that performed above average between 2019 and 2021. Metalpress shone in this analysis, demonstrating financial solidity and high-level company management.

  • Turnover 2021: above EUR 5.78 million
  • MORE ratings: 'Balanced' and 'Excellent' (B-BB-BBB-A-AA-AA)
  • AverageEBITDA 2021-2020-2019: 1.90% or higher
  • Net result 2021: positive


This result is the fruit of our team's hard work, commitment and the trust of our customers. We will continue to pursue excellence and contribute to the economic success of Verona and beyond.

We express our sincere gratitude to ItalyPost, VeneziePost and L'Economia del Corriere della Sera for this recognition. Metalpress is determined to maintain the high standards that have led us to be included among the "1000 Best Performing Companies" and to continue to grow, innovate and contribute to the sustainable development of our community and beyond.



*ItalyPost - Best Performer

The 'Best Performer' companies are selected by the ItalyPost Study Centre on the basis of stringent balance sheet criteria. This year the research extends to 10 provinces and 5 of Italy's most industrialised regions. These companies range from large groups (provided they have closed in profit and meet the parameters) to small businesses.

The results are the fruit of research that covers the balance sheets of the last four years of all Italian joint-stock companies and which allows, through strict balance sheet parameters, to identify the best companies in Monza and Brianza, Bergamo, Brescia, Verona, Vicenza, Padua, Treviso, Reggio nell'Emilia, Modena, Bologna and in Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, Tuscany and Piedmont.

Many of these companies see their revenues increase in double figures year on year, but also have Ebitda levels averaging around 13/14% and a rating ranging from balanced to excellent. They represent a small percentage of the active companies in each province, between 3% and 10%, although 1,000 seems like a lot. They are in fact those that, large or small, are on a path of growth that is well underway.